Asst. Prof. Marija Zdravkovic is a specialist in internal medicine (since 2004), cardiologist-subspecialist (since 2011), doctor of medical sciences in the field of cardiology and sports cardiology (since 2010). She completed her postdoctoral studies in the field of cardiology – the narrower field of heart failure, as a scholarship holder of the European Heart Failure Association, at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Zurich, in Switzerland, in 2019 and thus obtained this rare title in our country.
She is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade and a professor at the Higher School of Medicine in Belgrade, in the subject of internal medicine.
She has the most references from European university hospitals and other prominent international institutions, where she trained during her rich professional career during study stays: Northwestren Hospital in Chicago (2016), Pitie-Salpetrier in Paris (2007), Charite Clinic in Berlin (2008, 2014, 2017) and the reference centre for heart transplantation in Germany, the Herzzentrum Clinic in Leipzig (2014)
In 2014, the European Association of Cardiology awarded her an honorary professional title of the highest level, FESC (Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology), and from 2022 she is also in the top management of the European Association of Cardiology, in the position of secretary of the working group for heart microcirculation – Secretary of the European Society of Cardiology – WG for Microcirculation.
She is the president of the Association of Coronary Units of Serbia and the vice-president of the Association of Internists of Serbia, the former president of the working group for arrhythmias of the Association of Cardiologists of Serbia (UKS) and the former president of the working group for hypertension of the UKS, and the current chairman of the working group for heart failure of the UKS.
She is the founder and president of the Cardiomagnetic Resonance Association of Serbia.
Until now, she has held over 250 lectures in the country and abroad, with many scientific publications in the most eminent magazines, and has a high citation index in cardiology (IF 451).
She is the leader of the cardiomagnetic resonance team and the founder and president of the Serbian Cardiomagnetic Resonance Association. She participates in several global cardiology projects, and she is the national coordinator for Serbia in several projects. According to scientific data, so far there are 239 scientific publications, 4419 citations, and the h-index is 16.
She is the first cardiologist dealing with cardiomagnetic resonance in Serbia, an expert in sports cardiology and complex cases of heart diseases, as well as in hypertension, stable coronary disease and heart failure.
Since 2012, she has been an expert cardiologist consultant to the National Sports Institute for complex cardiological evaluations of professional athletes.